Sunday, October 5, 2008

Slow down for three minutes to read this.

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?"

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
Rebecca- age 8

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
Billy - age 4

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."
Karl - age 5

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
Chrissy - age 6

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
Terri - age 4

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
Danny - age 7

"Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more.
My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss."
Emily - age 8

"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."
Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate."
Nikka - age 6
(We need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, and then he wears it every day."
Noelle - age 7

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."
Tommy - age 6

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling.
He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared anymore."
Cindy - age 8

"My mommy loves me more than anybody.
You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."
Clare - age 6

"Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."
Elaine-age 5

"Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Brad Pitt."
Chris - age 7

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."
Mary Ann - age 4

"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
Lauren - age 4

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (What an image)
Karen - age 7

"You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
Jessica - age 8

And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.

The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbour was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife.

Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbour, the little boy said,

"Nothing, I just helped him cry"

Monday, September 15, 2008

Trudy Responds

Getting back in touch with you brought back vivid memories of our Negril after sunsplash explosion.... yes explosion. I wanted to keep in touch, was
quite amazed over your level of growth and maturity after high school. There was a charm and provocative aura about you that stayed with me for a long time. I was curious to get to know more about you. At one stage I thought you were good husband material and entertained the idea that I could marry you. You were able to really get me out of my comfort zone, and i really applaud a man who can achieve that ( i can be a tough cookie to break ) Its great to be able to share after over 25 or more years. By the way, do you recall the difficulty that was faced as a result of the salty negril sea water ? You were one persistent man.........

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sex according to Pastor Khathide (Ugandan)

A lot of people don't associate sex with God - they associate it with Satan and darkness, as if sex weren't holy... The bible is explicit when it comes to sex. Sex is holy within marriage, and there is no prescribed style.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the missionary position is the only sexual style. Not discussing sex in a relationship leads to divorce!!!!!.

Pastor Khathide has counseled women who've complained: my husband treats me as if I were his brother. There was one who told him: I am tired of getting sex fortnightly, like a salary. Khathide told her she was lucky to be
getting sex fortnightly, since some wives only get it on big days, like elections.

Many husbands leave their wives to seek sexual pleasures in Hillbrow.
Have you ever asked yourself what those wives have that you don't. Wives have become very frigid and even sleep with their panties. If you're a married woman, you should sleep naked and let your bum touch your husband. Today you find men going out of their way to get a glimpse of a vagina. They page through magazines and even go to lingerie departments in stores hoping to see what's hidden under panties, because their wives hide
it from them.

Marriage is about being free with your body in front of your partner. A woman should parade naked and do some modeling to tempt her husband. There are many married women who don't know what their husbands' penises look like. They only feel it when he enters her. They've never touched it, let alone see n it, because the husband switches off the lights before undressing. A penis is a wife's toy - she is supposed to play with it.

He blames couples for not making time for sex and complaining about
being tired after a day's work. You find many couples who've been sexually starved for years. God created sex for procreation and also for pleasure.
You can't marry and not have a good time in bed.

Why can't you drive home during lunch and have a quickie with your wife?
We're all equal in sex - it's not just about a woman satisfying a man. You have to satisfy each other. Have you ever seen a woman who has been satisfied? Have u noticed how she glows and becomes energetic? May the Lord Bless you. This is the 'Whole Truth, Nothing But The Truth' so God ! Help Us From The Beginning.

Real Funny Confessions

Vanilla Pudding Robbery

This is just too funny not to share. Excerpted from an article which appeared in the Dublin Times about a bank robbery on March 2.

Once inside the bank shortly after midnight, their efforts at disabling the security system got underway immediately. The robbers, who expected to find one or two large safes filled with cash & valuables, were surprised to see hundreds of smaller safes throughout the bank.

The robbers cracked the first safe's combination, and inside they found only a small bowl of vanilla pudding. As recorded on the bank's audio tape system, one robber said, 'At least we'll have a bit to eat. '

The robbers opened up a second safe, and it also contained nothing but vanilla pudding. The process continued until all safes were opened.

They did not find one pound sterling, a diamond, or an ounce of gold. Instead, all the safes contained covered bowls of pudding. Disappointed, the robbers made a quiet exit, each leaving with nothing more than a queasy, uncomfortably full stomach. The newspaper headline read:


Husband Store

A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City, where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs

She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

'That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'

So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking..

'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going

She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.

'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.


To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.

The first floor has wives that love sex.

The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited.


Saturday morning I got up early, dressed quietly, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, slipped quietly into the garage to hook the boat up to the truck, and proceeded to back out into a torrential down pour.
The wind was blowing 50 mph. I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad throughout the day.
I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. There I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, 'The weather out there is terrible.'
My loving wife of 20 yrs replied, 'Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that shit?'
I still don't know to this day if she was joking, but I have stopped fishing.

funny but true

1. When I was born, I was given a choice - A big dick or a good memory.. I don't remember, what I chose.

2. Your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.

3. A wife is a sex object. Every time you ask for sex, she objects.

4. Impotence: Nature's way of saying 'No hard feelings...'

5. There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men - 'don't' and 'stop', unless they are used together.

6. Panties: Not the best thing on earth, but next to the best thing on earth.

7. There are three stages of sex in a man's life: Tri Weekly, Try Weekly, and Try Weakly.

8. Virginity can be cured.

9. Virginity is not dignity, its lack of opportunity.

10. Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.

11. I tried phone sex once, but the holes in the dialer were too small.

12. Marriage is the only war where you get to sleep with the enemy.

13. Q: What's an Australian kiss?
A: The same thing as a French kiss, only down under.

14. A couple just married were happy with the whole thing. He was happy with the Hole and she was happy with the Thing......

15. Q: What are the three biggest tragedies in a mans life?
A: Life sucks, job sucks, and the wife doesn't.

16. Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
A: Breasts don't have eyes.

17. Despite the old saying, 'Don't take your troubles to bed', many men still sleep with their wives!!

span style="font-weight:bold;">Sick Leave

I really needed a few days off from work, but I knew the
boss wouldn't give me time off. I thought that maybe if I
acted "crazy," then he would tell me to take a few days off.
So, I hung upside-down from the ceiling and made funny
noises. My co-worker asked me what I was doing. I told her
that I was pretending to be a light bulb so the boss might
think I was desperately in need of a few days off.
A few minutes later, the boss came into the office and
asked, "What in the world are you doing?"
I told him I was a light bulb. He said, "You are clearly
stressed out. Go home and rest for a couple of days." I
jumped down and walked out of the office.
However, when my co-worker started to follow me, our boss
called out, "And where do you think you're going?"
She said, "I'm going home too. I can't work in the dark."

Getting old

An elderly gent was invited to an old friends' home for dinner one evening. He was impressed by the way his buddy preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms such as: Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, etc. The couple had been married almost 70 years and clearly, they were still very much in love.

While the wife was in the kitchen, the man leaned over and said to his host, 'I think it's wonderful that, after all these years, you still call your wife those loving pet names'.
The old man hung his head. 'I have to tell you the truth,' he said, 'Her name slipped my mind about 10 years ago and I'm scared to death to ask her what it is!'

Subject: dinner table conversation

A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, 'Dad, How many kinds of boobs are there?'

The father, surprised, answers, 'Well, son, a woman goes through three phases. In her 20s, a woman's boobs are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s to 40s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions'.


'Yes, you see them and they make you cry.'

This infuriated his wife and daughter, so the daughter said, 'Mom, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?'

The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, 'Well dear, a man goes through three phases also. In his 20s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s and 40s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it is like a Christmas tree'.

'A Christmas tree?'

'Yes --- dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration.'

First time

A girl asks her boyfriend to come over Friday night to meet, and have dinner with her parents.

Since this is such a big event, the girl announces to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and make love for the first time.
The boy is ecstatic, but he has never had sex before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some condoms. He tells the pharmacist it's his first time and the pharmacist helps the boy for about an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about condoms and sex.

At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many condoms he'd like to buy, a 3-pack, 10-pack, or family pack. The boy insists on the family pack because he thinks he will be rather busy, it being his first time and all.

That night, the boy shows up at the girl's parents house and meets his girlfriend at the door. 'Oh, I'm so excited for you to meet my parents, come on in!' The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girl's parents are seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. A minute passes, and the boy is still deep in prayer, with his head down. 10 minutes pass, and still no movement from the boy. Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend leans over0Aand whispers to the boyfriend, 'I had no idea you were this religious.' The boy turns, and whispers back, 'I had no idea your father was a pharmacist.'

My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad

Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers.

The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50."

The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100."The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon...and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"


An elderly Floridian called 911 on her cell phone to report that her car has been broken into.

She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: 'They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!' she cried. The dispatcher said,

'Stay calm. An officer is on the way.' A few minutes later, the officer radios in. 'Disregard.'

He says. 'She got in the back-seat by mistake.'


Three sisters, ages 92, 94 and 96, live in a house together. One night the 96-year-old draws a bath. She puts her foot in and pauses. She yells to the other sisters, 'Was I getting in or out of the bath?' The 94-year-old yells back, 'I don't know. I'll come up and see.' She starts up the stairs and pauses 'Was I going up the stairs or down?' The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, 'I sure hope I never get that forgetful, knock on wood.' She then yells, 'I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door.'


Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf one fine March day.

One remarked to the other, 'Windy, isn't it?'
'No,' the second man replied, 'it's Thursday.'
And the third man chimed in, 'So am I. Let's have a beer.'


A little old lady was running up and down the halls in a nursing home. As she walked, she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say 'Supersex.' She walked up to an elderly man in a wheelchair. Flipping her gown at him, she said, 'Supersex.'
He sat silently for a moment or two and finally answered, 'I'll take the soup.'


Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over the years, they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to meeting a few times a week to play cards. One day, they were playing cards when one looked at the other and said, 'Now don't get mad at me .. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is.'
Her friend glared at her. For at least three minutes she just stared and glared at her.

Finally she said, 'How soon do you need to know?'


As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, 'Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 77. Please be careful!'
'Heck,' said Herman, 'It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!'


Two elderly women were out driving in a large car - both could barely see over the dashboard.

As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red, but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself 'I must be losing it. I could have sworn we just went through a red light.' After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection and the light was red again. Again, they went right through. The woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous. At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red and they went on through.. So, she turned to the other woman and said, 'Mildred, did you know that we just ran through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us both!' Mildred turned to her and said, 'Oh, crap, am I driving ?'

The following is an actual question given on a University of Oregon
chemistry mid-term.

The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it
with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the
pleasure of enjoying it as well.

Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?

Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas
cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different
Religions that exist in the world today. Most of these religions state that
if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there
is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell.

With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter
Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all
Hell breaks loose.

2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell,
then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, "it will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you, and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number 2 must be
true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen
over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it
follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore,
extinct...leaving only Heaven thereby proving the existence of a divine
being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting " Oh my God."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Advertising Rates

Published monthly by the BlackSlate Media Group Limited

The stories are riveting, addictive and once you begin you cannot put them down. Published monthly by the BlackSlate Media Group for the mature reader and borne out of an understanding that there are a few things happening out there, which we all need to know and learn about. People’s lives are impacted in different ways and sometimes there is a need to either share this joy or burden with someone as a means of making the burden lighter.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jennifer and I remained secret lovers for close to a year and then one Sunday as I was downstairs washing my car, she came up to me with a broad smile

Jennifer Clarke was the Senior Manager in charge of New Business Development at one of our clients, a company that had extensive interest and shareholdings in the Media, telecommunications and Finance. She was in her early thirties, bright and highly regarded among her peers.

This was her second time at the company. Jennifer had resigned some three years earlier to study full time to complete her masters and had spent a year and a half working for a US company in California.

Now Jennifer was back at the company and making great strides. We had never met and so I was looking forward to meeting her. A number of people who had met her recently commented on how good she looked and how the California sun and lifestyle had really worked wonders on her.

Ice Advertising, the Ad Agency I co-founded with Karen Blake, had recently been awarded the account following a very competitive bid. We had to compete with four of the biggest and oldest agencies in the country and felt that it was a major victory to beat them. The account was big in comparison to the other accounts we had, $60 million dollars was a big account for us and we were ready for it.

Our first formal client meeting was scheduled for the client’s office and we were to be briefed and introduced to the marketing team who we would be working with. Karen and I knew most of the people on the team, from our prior encounters at cocktail parties and other industry functions and so we felt good going in knowing that we were not strangers. We arrived early for our 10:00 am meeting to be held on the third floor of the company headquarters in New Kingston. The offices were recently refurbished and looked great. We were very impressed with this new look.

The Administrative assistant to the Director of Marketing Paul Gates escorted us to the third floor conference room. Paul was married with two kids and has been with the company for over ten years and was considered to be one of the better marketing professionals in the country. We had spoken many times in the past and I was very impressed with his work.

As we entered the conference room I was immediately struck by the expansive view of the Long Mountain range going all the way back to Red Hills, through the glass windows that took up one side of the room. I took a seat facing the windows; the view was my kind of scenery. Karen sat beside me and I could see that she too was impressed with the view.

We were alone in the room and so Karen and I spoke a while about some business we had to sort out while on the road. As we talked I got up and walked over to the window to get a better look of the view of the mountains and the view of New Kingston below.

At exactly 10:02 Paul walked into the room with four other people in tow. Anthony Mackenzie his Marketing Manager, Michael Nelson, Promotions and events Manager, Annette Thomas, External Affairs and Jennifer Clarke Senior Manager in charge of New Business Development.

Everything I had heard about Jennifer was grossly understated. She was beautiful, tall and looked like a high fashion model. Jennifer was dressed in a black business suit that was very feminine that radiated power and success. Jennifer was telling everybody that she was on her way up and dressing the part. I felt inappropriately and inadequately dressed beside her.

“Jennifer how are you, I finally get a chance to meet you. I have heard so much about you,” I said shaking her carefully manicured hands.
“Howard, good to see you too, I trust that you will give me a chance to correct all the bad things you’ve heard about me” she replied smiling.

Jennifer and I spoke a while and took our seats around the table. Jennifer took a seat directly across the table from me, I immediately felt uncomfortable and nervous having this beautiful woman sitting in front of me. I deliberately turned my seat slightly to face Paul who was sitting at the head of the table. At least now I would not have to look at her directly.

For most of the meeting I could not take my eyes away from Jennifer and for some reason every time I looked in her direction I found that she was already looking at me.

The meeting was good and at 2:00 pm when we came out we were mentally exhausted. We were given our brief and told to go and produce their new campaign.

Jennifer and I never met again as she was constantly traveling and in meetings whenever I went to her office. There was one brief encounter when I was with Paul going over some layouts and storyboards for a new product they were launching. Jennifer knocked on Paul office door and pushed her head in.

“, Oh hi Howard how are you, Paul sorry to disturb you but I cannot make the 3 today, I have to fly to Montego Bay now to meet an investor for the investment bank we are setting up out there.” Jennifer said half way through the door.
“Ok just leave your report and notes with my assistant, I’ll cover for you.” Paul replied.
“Thanks Paul, See you later, Howard good to see you again, by the way are you coming to our company party next week, I hope Paul sent out your invitation” She said smiling at Paul.
“I have it here to give him, don’t worry, he’ll be there you can go now” Paul fired back at her.

As I was leaving Paul handed me an envelope with four invitations to the company Christmas party the following week.

Karen came to the party with her boyfriend, Steven Graham of five years; I deliberately came alone, hoping that Jennifer would also come alone.

Jennifer did not arrive until after 10 and as expected made an entrance. She was dressed in a tight fitting black mini dress and looked great. The eyes of all the men and women in the room where on her as she walked in, pretending not to see and notice the eyes on her. She was alone.

Paul came in about ten minutes after Jennifer and he was also alone. I assumed that his wife of ten years was not well or had opted not to attend staying with the kids.

Karen, Steven and I along with two other staff members were sitting at a table watching the happenings and chit chatting about all kinds of stuff. I was watching Jennifer as she walked around the room meeting and greeting company employees and specially invited guests.

Jennifer finally made her way over to our table and I rose to meet her. As she approached I held out my hand and she avoided it choosing to open her arms to hug me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her; she hugged me back tightly and adjusted her body to fit perfectly with mine. The electricity was shocking, the hug felt good and I had an instant erection, Jennifer felt it and pressed even harder against me.
“It's good to see you Howard, save a dance for me” she whispered into my ear.
I’m going to save the whole night for you I said to myself. But said to Jennifer “If you can find time for me”
“I‘ll find time, you just be ready” she said and let me go.
I introduced her to the other team members and spoke briefly and she went off to meet the other guests.

I needed a drink and headed for the bar. Anthony Mackenzie was standing at the bar with a drink in hand watching the going ones.
“Howard, you made it,” he said as I approached.
“Would not miss it for the world” I replied and ordered a rum and coke.
Anthony and I stood by the bar and talked for a while, I wanted to find out some more about Jennifer. I wanted to know if she was playing with me or if she was for real.
“What’s the story on Jennifer” I finally asked Anthony.
“Jennifer, mmmm” he said and sipped on his drink.
“Jennifer, Jennifer is Paul’s girl man, that’s the story. They have been trying to keep it a secret, with Paul been married and all that but it’s not working. It’s the biggest secret in the company” He said.
“Paul’s girl “I replied in amazement. Now I understood why they both came to the party alone and ten minutes apart.

For the rest of the evening I sought to avoid Jennifer, the last thing I wanted to do was to fool around my Clients girl, only god knows what Paul would do if he found out I was trying to push him out. I figured the worst he would do was try to find a way to fire the agency to get back at me. Jennifer was not worth $60 million dollars in billings, not yet anyway.

Jennifer finally found me and dragged me onto the dance floor as they were playing calypso music. She could dance, was there anything this girl could not do I thought to myself. I wondered what she would be like in bed. The thought of losing 60 million quickly altered my thoughts.

Jennifer bumped and grinded me for over 30 minutes and if I said that I did not enjoy ever minutes of it, I would be lying. My erection was bursting to get out and Jennifer played and teased on it. For anybody looking on they would not have figured that anything usual was going on, but we were in an advanced stage of foreplay.

Then the music stopped and the beat slowed down, I saw Paul from the corner of my eye standing at the Bar talking to the President of the company and the Minister of Industry and Commerce, who was a good friend of the president. I could tell he was watching us.

Jennifer pulled me closer and we began to dance to the slow rhythms of the music.
“Having Fun” She whispered in my ear.
“Yeh” I said not sure what else to say.
Jennifer pressed hard against my erection and I responded by holding her closer.

“Howard, mind if I break in” it was Paul standing behind me.
“Sure no problem” I lied.
I disengaged myself from Jennifer and handed her over to Paul.
“Save the last dance for me” Jennifer said to me and turned looking at Paul.

As I walked off I could hear Paul arguing with Jennifer about how she was dancing with me. I looked back and saw Paul holding Jennifer by the arm and leading her off the dance area towards a cluster of empty tables and chairs. I walked over to the bar and surprisingly found Anthony still standing there.
“Told you man.” Anthony said to me as I came up to him.
“Dose she flirt a lot?” I asked.
“Not that I’m aware of, must be something about you, why she’s playing with you.”
“Me, doubt that very much, must be something else”
“Whatever it is, I suggest that you keep her at a distance until you can figure it out. You don’t want Paul on your case.”
“Yeh thanks”

Karen came up to me, and asked to speak with me. We walked off a short distance away from the music and prying ears.
“You know that Jennifer is Paul girlfriend?” Karin asked
“I just found out” I replied.
“You know what that means, keep your dick in your pants and leave her alone”
“She’s the one coming on to me. The woman’s playing some kind of game with me”
“Well she isn’t worth 60 million dollars you remember that, I know you Howie, you’re going to make a move on her. You know it and so do i.”
Karen was right, I was planning to make a move on Jennifer, but I had not factored on Paul in the picture. This was a high priced game now. I had to walk away from the table and find another game, a much cheaper game.

Karen said she was leaving and I decided to leave with them. I walked around and said goodbye to a few people and left. I did not see Jennifer and Paul so I left without talking to them.

I didn't talk to Paul for two to three days after the party. When we spoke we did not mention the incident or any reference to Jennifer outside of work related subjects.

Jennifer did call me five days after and invited me out to lunch. She even offered to pick me up. I hesitated before saying yes. I wanted to find out what she was up to.

Jennifer and I remained secret lovers for close to a year and then one Sunday as I was downstairs washing my car, she came up to me with a broad smile on her face.

She was pregnant…………………………… to be continued

Marie and I made love every night for the remaining days and on the final night we cried like babies.

I was attending a World Bank sponsored two-week worldwide annual conference for young business executives; CEO’s to be exact. I had never been to Washington and therefore asked the organizers to have someone meet me at the airport.

The visit to Washington was in many ways, an opportunity to get away from things at the office and think over my life and see where I was going. It was also a well-deserved break from the office.

I was not planning to go to the conference, the time was not right I thought.Business at the Agency was good and growing and the future was looking bright. But I needed to get away to step back and see things from a distance. The last time I was away from the company was almost two years ago for three weeks in 1998. I had taken some time off and went to Barbados for two weeks and spent a week in Trinidad.

The morning, Karen Blake came into my office with her familiar mug of black coffee and sat down in the lazy boy chair in the corner I knew something was up. She told me it was a perfect opportunity to see some Advertising people in Washington who wanted to buy into our company and fund our regional growth.

I figured that forces were forming against me and I would have to go.

September of 2000 was defiantly not the best time. We were in the process of preparing a major bid for an international account out of the US, with local offices in Jamaica and three other Caribbean islands.

The presentation was scheduled for September 11th and getting this account would really put the company on the map. I wanted to be there and ensure that everything was going right.

Karen Blake was my business partner and together we ran the Advertising Agency. Ice Advertising was formed after we both decided that what we were doing for our former employer was not in our best long-term interest and that we should set up our own shop.

Karen was the Creative Director at Ice Advertising and was largely responsible for landing some of our major accounts. To say that Karen was in demand by the other agencies was an understatement. She could walk into any ad shop and pick up the top creative position.

I was the President and director of Client Services, the one who kept the accounts spending and bring revenues into the agency.

“Can I offer you a drink sir” the Air Hostess was by my seat.
“Do you have fruit juice”?
“Apple and orange”
Orange would be fine “I said. We were about 30 minutes out of JFK and the long flight was coming to end. I started to look for my immigration forms and began to fill them out.

Seeing my name on the white sheet of paper in the hands of the white girl waiting among the throng of people looking out for arriving passengers, was kind of strange. It told everybody present that I was new to the city and did not know where I was going. I didn’t like that, but what the hell nobody knew me anyway.
“That’s me, how are you,” I said to the white girl waiting for me, she was no more than 24 or 25.
“Mr. Patterson, how are you, had a nice flight. My name is Debbie Mills and I am in charge of the delegates coming in from the Caribbean and South America.”
“Ok, that’s great, where do we go”
“Just one more stop, we have to go over to terminal 4 to meet a delegate who came in late from South Africa and missed her contact. I followed Debbie through the various lounges to terminal 4.
I did not see her at first and would not have noticed her if Debbie had not called me and introduced me.
“Howard Patterson this is Marie Nassali from South Africa, Marie this is Howard from Kingston, Jamaica.”

“Hi, how are you Marie” I dared not try call her last name.
“Hello, how are you” Marie replied.
The words coming out of Marie mouth sounded like music; maybe it was a combination of how she spoke and her accent. Whatever it was, I was hooked on the South African language, the English anyway.

Marie was sitting on a stool, dressed in a soft pink sweat suit, which I thought at the time was kind of out of place. Marie jumped down of the stool and looked up at me. She was short but not too short.

“I’m fine thank you,” I said looking down at her. She had a very clean and clear complexion, suggesting that there was some intermingling with the white man somewhere back in her family tree. Her skin was flawless, on her face and hands anyway. Other than her height she was very attractive and likely the most beautiful woman I had seen in a long time from Africa.

“I’m going to put both of you in a taxi, to the hotel and I will check with you and the rest of the group this evening.” Debbie said, moving towards the exist. Marie and I followed, lugging our bags.

On the way to the taxi stand Debbie gave each of us a package which contained all the information we required to settle in, itinerary, maps, restaurant locations, transport guide, tourist points, and information about the hotel we would be staying.

“Here we are” Debbie said as we moved towards the taxi she had chartered. She told the driver where we were going and paid him.

I helped Marie put her bags into the back of the taxi and the driver placed my bags. Maria and I said goodbye to Debbie, confirmed meeting later and got into the taxi.

Marie was sitting on the other side of the back seat next to me; there was enough space between us to fit at least two other adults. I looked over and noticed that she had on a wedding band. She was married. I tried to make small talk.

“Is this your first time in Washington” I enquired.
“Yes, it is” she replied in that musical voice without looking at me.
“It’s my first time too”.

There was silence for a while. It was there and then that I vowed to have her before the conference in Washington was over.

We made small talk on the way to the hotel, even engaging the taxi driver as a tour guide, with him pointing out various important landmarks and buildings. So this was the seat of world power. One would have thought that there was more to it than this.

On the way over I learned that Marie was the Executive Director for a non-profit organization, specializing in constitutional development and Alternative Resources in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her job and responsibilities was extensive and covered quite a bit of the countries in Southern Africa. My job as the head of an advertising agency seemed insignificant in comparison to the impact she made in people’s lives.

“This is it,” said the taxi driver as he pulled into the hotel drive way. The Embassy Square Hotel was not grand, but comfortable. It was located on the corner of New Hampshire Avenue and 20th Street and was about 30 to 45 minutes walk from the White House.

We checked in, Marie was sharing a suite with another delegate from Mexico who had already checked.
I was alone in my suite, I smiled.

We boarded the elevator, Marie was on the third floor and I was on the fifth floor. At the third floor I said goodbye to Marie and we reminded each other of the get together later that evening for all the delegates.
My suite was more like a one bedroom apartment, complete with kitchen, living room and bedroom. I was very happy with how it looked.

After scouting out the rooms I turned the TV on and started to unpack. I took a hot shower and fell across the bed and slept like a baby.

The phone was ringing and it woke me up.
“Hello” I said still sleepy
“Howard, this is Debbie, are you coming down?”
“What time is it?” I said jumping of the bed.
“Its 7:00 pm” she said
We were to meet at 6:30 in the main meeting room on the ground floor.
“I’ll be down in five minutes,” I said.
“Ok” Debbie said and hung up.

There were about fifteen people in the room, sitting around a long table. Debbie and another white girl were sitting at the top of the table speaking to the group.

“Howard, welcome, glad you could join us.” This was not the way I wanted to be introduced to the group.
“Sorry I’m late I overslept”
“And here comes Ngozi Ezi-Ashi from Nigeria” Debbie Said.
It appears I was not the only one who was late. As a matter of fact three other persons came after Ngozi. I sat down at the end of the table and looked around for Marie. She was sitting on the other side of the table not far from the top.

Marie did not even look my way.

We were introduced to the other delegates and had to say a few things about who we were, where we worked and all that stuff.

We had quite a group. There were delegates from all over the world, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Mexico, Colombia Puerto Rico, Nigeria, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore the US and of course Jamaica. The other white girl beside Debbie was Samantha Richardson, and she was going over the programme of activities for the next few days and what would be required of us each day.

For the first six days I sought to engage Marie in friendly discussions but it was never allowed to get too far. She was always very friendly and courteous to me but never once did she give an indication that she was holding some kind of affection for me. We had breakfast most mornings along with other members of the group and that was due to my ensuring that I was in the breakfast area at the same time she was. The first three days I came down after her, but on the fourth day she came down after me, collected her breakfast and sat at my table. We had breakfast every day until the end of the programme. With each passing day I felt as if the wall was coming down.

I made contact with the advertising people Karen said I should link up with. I called and they said they were expecting my call. Karen had emailed them to expect me. The Vice President of the company was coming to pick me up on the eighth-day, a Saturday and take me back to the Presidents house in Virginia, which I later found out to be a mansion on a ten-acre property overlooking the Potomac River.

We went to the Presidents house, where some other company executives were waiting and talked for a while. The President, Billy O’Connor was the founder and head of one of the largest Advertising Agencies in the US with offices around the US and Europe. He had heard about our Agency and wanted to see if we could work out some arrangement to represent them in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean. They were prepared to fund the expansion for a piece of the equity in the enlarged company. What was driving the deal was that two of their major clients were setting up operations in the Caribbean and they needed local representation.

After the meeting I left with Billy and two other executives and went sailing in Billy Yacht on the Potomac River, it was his major passion and pastime and he could afford it.

Billy knew this was my first time in Washington and wanted to show me the sights from the river. We circled the Theodore Roosevelt Island and he pointed out the Memorial to this Great US president on the island. From the river we could also see the Reflecting Pool from where Martin Luther King gave his great speech. The Kennedy Center and the famous Watergate Hotel was also visible from the river.

We spent over two hours on the river looking over important landmarks; I however got the feeling that Billy was using the opportunity to find out more about me.

I came away from the experience with an increased desire to succeed and become financially secure. There were something’s you could do with money that I had not yet experienced and Billy had opened by eyes.

I came back to the hotel late that afternoon and went to my room. It was too early for bed and I did not know what to do.

I called Marie rooms

“Hello” Marie answered after four rings with her musical voice.
“Marie is that you” I said.
“Howard how are you”
“I’m fine, what you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything at the moment”
“Let’s go out for a walk”
“Let's go down to the White House and visit The Mall, we may find some interesting things.”
“Oh, ok then”
“Meet you in the lobby in ten minutes”
“Ok, see you then”.

I went down to the lobby five minutes later and waited for her.
Marie came down dressed in black slacks, white sweater and her black leather jacket. She looked good.
She smiled as she walked up to me, it was clear that she was happy to see me.
“You look great,” I told her
“Thank you”
“Let’s go” I said and led her outside the hotel and began to walk the one-mile or so to White House.

We decided against going up to DuPont Circle and taking the train down to Farragut Square which would have placed us ten minutes from the White House and opted to walk.
We talked about all kinds of things on the way and it was really good to be with her. I noticed that she was keeping very close to me, sometimes to the point of almost, falling over each other. I suspected that she wanted to stay close for security reasons. Not that there was any need for concern, as Washington and especially where we were staying, less than five miles from the White House, was very safe.

As we entered Lafayette Park she stopped and sat on a park bench, I turned back and sat down beside her. We had been walking for about forty minutes and I guessed she was tired.

“What’s up?” I said
“Nothing, I just want to sit and talk for a while.” Marie replied with a smile on her face.
She was looking at me now, but not saying anything, only smiling. We sat in silence for a while. I figured now was as good a time as any to put my cards on the table.

“You do know that I am extremely attracted to you,” I ventured
“Yes” Marie replied.

I started to tell her about my feelings for her and how for the past eight days I have been trying to get her to give me indication as to what she was thinking and feeling. I literally poured out everything that I had been storing up inside.

She just kept looking at me with a smile on her face. The more I talked the more she listened and smiled and the more I just wanted to hold her and kiss her. I stopped talking and turned around fully on the bench facing her. Without even thinking about it I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. She kissed me back. There were fireworks and explosions going off inside of me. The dam was burst open and everything was flooding out. She kissed me back with wild hot passion and I met her with my own fire. We did not care that were in a public place.

When we finally came up for air Marie said. “I thought you were going to talk for ever, you know how long I have been waiting for you to do that”. I smiled and kissed her again. We hugged each other on the bench. It was her turn to empty all that she had been holding back. Marie was surprised at how quickly she became attracted to me. It started the first morning we had breakfast together. From that morning she would get up each day and could not wait to come down to see me. Marie also confessed at how she would always try not to look at me during our sessions and workshops and she would ensure that she did not sit next to me. She said she could not take the intensity of been so close. But she would always sit so that I was in her sphere of vision.

We sat on the bench and talked, and talked and talked. Before we knew it was late in the evening. We hailed a taxi and went back to the hotel. We did not reach The Mall or The White House we would have to go another day.

From the time we left the park bench, got in the taxi and walked in the hotel lobby we did not let go of each other, for fear that it would all disappear. In the elevator we kissed passionately as soon as the door closed. On the third floor we finally parted and agreed that we would meet in my suite in twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door, I jumped of the bed and peeped through the little hole in the door. It was Marie dressed in a large and colorful South African dress.

I opened the door to let her in. She looked and smelled good. I pulled her inside and we started to kiss as the door closed. She was absolutely naked beneath the dress and the thought of her naked body excited me even further.

She was even more beautiful naked, her skin was flawless; the mix of Negro and Caucasian had given her a perfect coffee brown like complexion.

We made love all night.

What I found surprising about the whole sexual episode was that I was able to keep going for much longer than my usual twenty to thirty minutes before cumin. Maybe it was how she would slow us down when she knew I was on the verge or when she would ask me to stop when she was on the verge. We did not want to climax we wanted to keep going and going and going.

Marie knew how to excite and take you to the edge, she was good at making love and she knew it. She would for example contract the muscles of her vagina, forming a kind of clamp around my penis. The sensation this created is hard to describe, only that it was highly erotic. Later while lying in bed, I asked her about it.
“You like it?” she enquired with a mischievous and teasing tone and look.
“Like it, dam girl that move makes the hair on my back stand up” I replied.
“But you don’t have any hair on your back”
“That what I’m talking about”
We both laughed and hugged.
“I found out I could do it my experimenting with myself and overtime and with practice I was able to control the movement at will.” She whispered in my ear.
“What else can you do?” I enquired, desperate to know what else was possible in store for me.
“You’ll just have to wait and see” she said.

We spent the better part of Sunday in my Suite making love, talking and watching TV. We eat the food I had brought not wanting to leave and go out. We did however go out in the evening for dinner. We went to the Japan Inn restaurant, regarded as one of the most elegant and complete Japanese restaurants in Georgetown. After dinner we went back to my suite and made love.

Marie and I had to keep this affair a secret, as we did not want the other delegates to know what we were up to. We both knew that we would have to be extra careful from now on when in their company.

I came down early Monday morning for breakfast and waited for Marie at our usual table. After our love making last night Marie returned to her room, even though I wanted her to stay.

“Can I join you” I looked up and Jennifer Rutledge was standing with her breakfast tray in hand.
“Sure, sure” I lied.
Jennifer was one of the delegates from Puerto Rico. She had moved there about three years ago from the US to take up a new assignment.
“So how are you finding the programme so far? I asked her.
“It’s not too bad, I find that most of the stuff we’re getting is good and I can already see how I’m going to apply it back in Puerto Rico. How are you finding it?”
“It all very new to me, but I’m learning to appreciate the information. For me, hearing of the other delegates experience in different countries and economies is an eye opener”. I said, looking if Marie was in yet.

I looked over at the door and saw Marie walk in the room, heading towards the buffet line. Jennifer was talking to me but I was not paying much attention, I was watching Marie. She picked up her breakfast and headed over to our table.

“Marie, how are you” Jennifer said as Marie came to the table and sat down beside her, directly across the table from me.

“I’m fine thank you” Marie replied with a smile on her face.

“Howard good morning, how are you?” Marie said to me as though we had not seen each other in the last twenty-four hours.

“I’m fine, I had a great night last night” I said looking her straight in the face. She had a faint smile on her lips, knowing the meaning of my response.

“Marie you look great this morning, your face looks so bright and radiant and your eyes are just sparkling. Seems you had a restful night” Jennifer said looking over at Marie.

Marie and I both started to laugh; Jennifer was looking at us with a quizzinly look on her face.

“What, what, what did I say” Jennifer said.
We could not answer, we were laughing so much.
“I had a great night last night” Marie said finally looking away from me.

The three of us talked for a while about the programme and our experience so far. During all the talking Marie and I were playing footsie under table.

“What time is it?” Jennifer said suddenly.
“Oh shit we have to go now, the morning session starts in ten minutes,” I said looking at my watch.

We got up and made our way over to the conference centre.

When we got into the room Marie and I went in separate directions, I wanted to sit beside her, but she told me not to as she would not be able to deal with me being so close to her. So I sat directly across from her in the horseshoe seating arrangement.

For the entire morning session Marie did not look at me once. She made an effort never to look in my direction. Even when I asked a question, while everybody was looking at me, she was looking at something in the papers in front of her. But there was a very brief moment when our eyes met and she began to smile and as quickly as it appeared she wiped it off. During the lunch break I asked her about it.

“You do not know how hard it is to sit across the room from you and not look at you.” Marie confessed. “I know that the moment I look at you, everybody will be able to look at my face and know what is going on, and that’s why I’m trying not to look at you. But you make it so hard; you just keep looking at me.” Marie continued.

“So you can’t even look at me once” I begged.
“If I do, I will not be able to control the expression on my face.” Marie said.

After lunch we returned to the conference room, I diverted to the bathroom because I wanted to come in late to get Marie’s attention. When I came into the room I noticed that Marie had changed her position and was now to my right. I looked over at her and she had a smile on her face. She was taking this serious. I sat down and looked at the new person in front of me. Marie had exchanged place with Benedict Cheong from Singapore. I was going to make this hard for her. I turned to my right and looked directly at her; she looked at me and began to smile.

We both saw Jennifer looking at us with a smile on her face and a look that said “Caught you. I know what you did last night”.
Marie and I did not look directly at each other for the rest of the day.

The conference would be over in another two days. Marie and I never talked about it because we just could not face the fact that we would never see each other again. She would go back to South Africa and me to Jamaica, never to see each other again. When we finally decided to talk about it, we promised each other to meet back in Washington one year from now. We agreed and wrote it down September 11th 2001 and promised each other to be here, in this hotel. Somehow we both knew that we were playing with long odds of us ever meeting again but it kept us going.

We made love every night for the remaining days and on the final night we cried like babies.

Marie and I were scheduled to depart from JFK one hour apart. My flight was leaving for Miami at 11:00 am and hers leaving for New York at 12:30 for a connecting flight to Johannesburg.

On the way to the airport we did not talk much. In the two weeks that we were in Washington we had fallen deeply in love with each other and now were about to depart to far flung corners of the globe maybe never to see each other again. Life was unfair I thought.

“Do you know how much time has been wasted; when I think of all the time I spent fighting my feelings and trying to ignore you. Looking back now I wish I could have then again” Marie said finally.

I just kept silent. It was largely her fault that we had taken so long to connect, but now was not the time to lay blame. We had less than four hours left together; I wanted to make sure I used up every second of it.

I turned to Marie and kissed her, she began to kiss me back and we both started to cry again. We hugged all the way to the airport in silence.

I checked in first and then followed Marie to her check in counter, which was next to mine. Our departure lounges were also next to each other.

“You know the more I think about this whole experience the more I’m convinced that this was all meant to be.” I said to Marie as we sat and waited for our flights.

“What do you mean?” Marie said looking at me.
“Well, think about it, your flight was delayed and so we met at the airport, we took the same taxi to the hotel, I was the only delegate who did not share a room, and we are leaving Washington at the same time from departure lounge next to each other. This all seems like a lot of coincidences, but to me it was all part of the master plan. We were supposed to meet and have this time together. We may never see each other again but we will always have this memory and experience for as long as we live.”

“Hearing you put it together like that it does seem like destiny” Marie said still looking at me.

Marie was looking at me as though she wanted to burn my face and image into her memory so that she would always remember what I looked like.

“Passengers boarding on AA flight 234 departing for Miami, please board at gate 24” the dreaded words came over the speaker system. As we heard it we knew that the moment had arrived. Marie looked up at me.
“I love you” she said and kissed me. I kissed her back and said, “I love you too” We did not know what else to say.

I got up reluctantly and picked up my carry on case, I thought of deliberately missing the flight and taking a later flight, but that was just delaying the inevitable. I had to go back to Jamaican and she had to go back to South Africa.

Marie turned away from me and told me that she did not want to see me go. I felt that now was the time; it was either now or never. I walked over to the line of departing passengers and stood in line. I was still looking at Marie; she was turned away from me. I could not take my eyes from her.

I was about one person from the boarding gate when Marie got up and ran towards me. I ran out of the line towards her leaving my bag on the ground.

We hugged, embraced, kissed, cried, laughed, but we mostly cried.
“See you September 11th 2001,” I said, “Make sure you’re here.”
“I‘ll be here,” she said with a smile on her face.

I turned and boarded the plane, I could not look back.

Trudy wrapped her legs around my waist and hugged me tightly. We kissed with all the pent up heat and passion that was apparently dormant all these ye

My elder brother Clive was coming back to Jamaica for the first time in 10 years and we were scheduled to go to Reggae sunsplash.

Clive lived alone or so he says in a beautiful three-bedroom penthouse apartment in a predominately African American populated gated community in Atlanta and worked in the telecommunications industry. He traveled around the world setting up cellular phone sites and things like that. There were very few people in the world that did what he did and as such he was always in demand. He was also very well paid, which is why I could not understand why he could not have come back to Jamaica before. He even came as close as Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Barbados, but never Jamaica.

Over the years I had found Reggae Sunsplash to be a good place to meet friends and old acquaintance I had not seen in quite a while. I figured that if he wanted to hook up with some old school friends then sunsplash was the place to go.
Seeing Clive again made me feel happy, as of the six of us, he and I were the closest and were more alike than the others.

We rented a jeep in Kingston preferring to leave my two door sports BMW at home and headed for Montego Bay to catch the Friday night show. On the way down we caught up on the past and what we were doing and all that. We were still unmarried, Clive claiming that his job required extensive travel and that it was difficult to have a wife and settle down.

But he did have a girlfriend in Atlanta where he lived. But he also had one in Nigeria, Singapore, Chicago, London, and Barbados, and that was what he could remember. As for me I had taken the vow to remain unmarried, free and single.

We talked about the other members of the family and what they were doing and their kids and wives and husbands. From all accounts everybody seemed to be doing well. I was the only member of the immediate family in Jamaica, the rest were scattered around the globe. We had not been together as a family in over ten years. We had discussed a big family reunion in Jamaica over many visits to each other around the world, but we have not been able to pull it off yet. It was still on the drawing board.

As we approached the show venue we began to see the crowd build up. We parked and walked the short distance to the venue.

Once inside we were transformed into a world of music, laughter, colors, vendors, patrons and ganja smoke. Gregory Isaacs was on the stage doing his thing and the crowd was lapping up everything he threw at them. We walked to the back of the crowd not wanting to get too deep. We were at sunsplash but we did not want to be in it, we preferred to be on the outskirts watching what was going on.

After an hour or two Clive said he wanted to walk around to see if he saw anybody, besides we wanted to get a drink and some food. There was a band change going on so the time was right.

We started to circle the venue working our way from the left side around the back and up the right side. With Red Stripe in hand we walked around and met a few friends and talked for a while.

Clive had found an old friend from the US who was here with his wife. As they talked I stood and surveyed the people around me, trying to find a familiar face in the sea of people.

That’s when I saw Trudy Gayle. The last time I saw her was at our high school graduation, many years ago.

Trudy Gayle came to Ruseas High School in fourth form. She had transferred from a secondary school in Lucea in time to prepare for her O levels in fifth form. She was good looking, fair complexion and kept her hair cut very low almost as low as mine. She spoke with a deep voice, which for many of us was a little weird. We suspected that she might have been a lesbian or something. None the less I liked her and was attracted to her.

For most of fourth form Trudy and I developed a close social relationship, but there was always a distance between us. She would always give me the impression that I was too young for her and that she was more interested in much older and mature men. As a result of this I came to the conclusion that Trudy was outside of my reach. In fourth form she would be seen with the fifth form boys and even the upper six form groups, where Clive was.

As we entered fifth form she began to date men who were working and importantly driving. We knew this as they would pick her up after school and sometimes drop her off in the morning.

We still spoke often and at time would sit under the mango tree outside the cafeteria and talk while having lunch. But she always made me know that she was not interested in high school boys.

At the graduation ball she came with an older man, but he did not stay he dropped her off and came back later that night. That night as we embraced and wished each other all the best for the future, we all knew that for some of us this would be the last we would see of each other. We were about to find our place, fame and fortune in the world. That night was the last time I had seen Trudy Gayle, until now.

Trudy looked a little heavier, not much, but for all intents and purpose she looked the same. She was even sporting the same low cut hairstyle. She was, with a group of girls and saw me about the same time I saw her.

Trudy came running over to me and I went across to meet her. We hugged and exchanged details. She had not progressed much since leaving high school and was working at a Hotel in Negril. I was a little embarrassed to tell her about the progress and success I was having in my life, so I played it down. Having left high school Trudy had gone from one job to another; she had not gone to college or anything like that and so was seeking to secure employment on her limited high school qualifications.

But there was no arguing, Trudy Gayle was still very attractive and she had kept herself in good shape. I wondered what my chances would be like now.

Clive came over and said hi. He knew Trudy as she had dated a guy in his class at high school. Clive was two years ahead of me in high school and was the deputy head boy for his year.

The three of us spoke for a long time filling in the gaps since high school. Who was married, had children, who was now living in the states. Surprising Trudy knew the updates on quite a number of people from our high school period.

One of the girls in her group came over and I realized it was Maxine Williams from another form in our group. I was vaguely aware of Maxine in high school, as she was not on the watch list or the “A” list we had set up.
Girls on this list were considered the cream of the crop and the girls to have and date.

Looking at Maxine now, I remembered the song about the girl that nobody wanted in school, and now that she had grown up and blossomed everybody wanted her.

The four of us talked some more, Maxine was able to provide further updates. Trudy and Maxine were at Sunsplash together and had met up with the other girls in the group.

After about an hour we parted and agreed to keep in touch.

As usual the better acts at Sunsplash came on late in the night and early the next morning. About 3am I began to get sleepy and convinced Clive to circle the grounds again just to stay awake. Clive was used to staying up until the wee hours of the morning as his constant overseas trips had forced him to adjust his sleeping patterns, as he needed.

Going around again we came upon Maxine and Trudy, sitting on reggae beds.

“What you girls doing later today?” I asked.
“Nothing” said Trudy, we plan to get some sleep and come back for the show tonight.
“Clive and I are going down to Sav-La-Mar and Negril to visit some friends and get a swim, want to come?”
Trudy looked at Maxine and said “sure”.
“Where you staying?” I asked trying to work out the pickup details.
They were staying at Maxine’s sister’s house in Ironshore for the weekend and so we agreed to pick them both up there at about 10 am.

We stayed until the end of show around 5am and slowly headed for the car park. We decided to get some sleep in the jeep until 8am and then head over to Pelican Grill for some breakfast before picking up the girls.

Maxine, Trudy and I slept most if not all the way to Negril. Clive was the only one who stayed awake, so he did most of the driving.

When it comes to beaches, Negril is my place; there is no other beach like it in Jamaica. Going to Negril to swim is always good fun for me. The water is crystal clear and blue, the sand and beach is clean and the cool sea breeze makes the whole experience enjoyable. If you’re lucky you may even encounter one or two sexy white ladies sunbathing nude on the beach.

We reached Negril Tree House Club around midday and sat around the bar on the beach for a while. Maxine and Trudy came to swim and were dressed for the occasion. They both left us at the bar and headed straight for the water.

Trudy looked even better in her two-piece swimsuit, which was barely enough material to cover the essential areas. Clive and I without even talking about it agreed mentally that I was with Trudy and he was with Maxine. The truth was that we did not really care, as he was not here for anything sexual. I was.

I left Clive at the bar ordering fish and festival for lunch, and went into the water to join Trudy who was swimming some distance from Maxine.

“This is great” I remarked to Trudy as I swam up to her.
“What is?” She replied wading in the water in front of me.
“The water, it’s so clear and clean” I remarked.
“Yeh its great” Trudy said and dived in front of me. She swam underwater up to me and proceeded to pass through my open legs. I watched her as she swam beneath the surface and reaffirmed how sexy and attractive she looked. As she came up for air I reached out and pulled her towards me.

“You know for some reason I never found you sexually attractive at school, I liked you, but just could not find any sexual interest.” She said looking up at me with water dripping from her hair down her face.

As she stood in the water next to me I realized how much I had grown since high school, in relation to her. In High school were we about the same height, now I was able to look down at her.

“But you knew I was sexually attracted to you” I said.
“Oh that was very clear, but you know then it was a different time and situation. Besides I was aware that you and Pauline Nelson were dating, so I figured you were just looking for something extra on the side”.
“So where are we now some ten to fifteen year later” I enquired.
“I don’t know, what do you think?” Trudy replied.
“Have you ever swum naked?” I asked.
“Naked as in no clothes” she asked surprised.
“That’s the generally accepted definition for naked, yes no clothes”
“Would you give it a try?”
“You mean now, right here”
“You’re crazy you know that”
“But it’s fun. Look”
I reached down and pulled my shorts off and dived backwards in the water.

Trudy screamed and laughed, not sure what to do, at my action. As I swam around her with my shorts in my hand I could she her trying to get a good look at me in the water. I swam some distance from her and told her to swim to me.

Trudy looked at me, shaking head as if I was crazy.
“Don’t move” she said and dived underwater.

I watched Trudy as she swam up to me and through my spread legs again. As she passed below me she stopped and looked, reached up and touched me and went on through.

“You try it,” I said as she surfaced.
“What do I do with my clothes” Trudy asked.
“I’ll hold them for you”
“I don’t trust you; you may decide to swim of with them.”
“No man, just trust me”

Trudy came closer to me and asked me to turn my back to the shore; she wanted to stand in front of me. She wanted to ensure that no one on shore would see her.

Trudy stood naked in front of me in the clear Negril waters; my erection was strong and hard in the cool waters. She looked down at me, smiled and dived to her right, under the water. She had kept her swimsuit in her hand, she did not trust me.

As she came up out of the water I swam over to her and pulled her close to me. There was no need for words anymore, we both knew what we wanted and we both went for it.

Trudy wrapped her legs around my waist and hugged me tightly. We kissed with all the pent up heat and passion that was apparently dormant all these years. I was surprised at how easily I was able to slip into her, allowing the water around us to act as a buoyant environment. Making love in the water was all that I had heard it to be. For some reason or the other I was able to go for much longer before ejaculation, extending the pleasure and the experience.

When we finally came it was a feeling I found hard to describe. I have not had that feeling again. As we separated I dived backwards into the water and swam towards our clothes that had gotten away from us in the excitement and was now some distance away.

I grabbed and held them high in the air and called out to Trudy who was watching me very closely. She was naked in the water and I had her clothes.

“You know, you were right not to trust me with your clothes” I joked.
“You wouldn’t dare, give me back my clothes,” she pleaded.
“Nope” I said and dived away towards the beach, increasing the distance between us.

Trudy started to swim towards me and as she came closer I moved closer to the shallow waters on the beach.

I had on my shorts so I was cool.

Trudy kept on coming and I kept on moving backwards. It was then I realized that she was not stopping, she was now in shallow water up to her waist, she did not care anymore that her breast was showing. She was heading straight for me with a smile on her face. She was calling my bluff.

I had not planned to go this far but she was pushing. Trudy walked naked out of the water onto the beach in front of me and stood looking me straight in the face.

“Didn’t think I would do it, did you?”
“To be perfectly honest, no I didn’t”. I said looking down at her and smiling. I handed her the wet swimsuit and she put them back on.

The four of us joked over the whole situation over lunch. Clive and Maxine had been watching us from the bar and were caught up in a bet. Clive had waged a bet that Trudy would not come out of the water naked. Maxine knew Trudy better than the both of us and won the bet.

I saw Trudy once since that Negril trip and I have not seen her since. I think about her every time I go to Negril and wonder where in the world she would be now

PAULINE made a deliberate effort to keep things very social between us, even though we would flirt with each other and make suggested remarks.

Pauline lived in the apartment next door to me on Constant Spring Road and was married to Phillip Green, who worked at the Century National Bank branch downtown located beside the Advertising Agency where I worked. Phillip was one of the senior managers and would sometime “ok” cheques for me. Phillip and I were friends but not what I would consider close friends.

Non-the less we were always over at each other’s apartment for one reason or the other. So Pauline coming over to see me was not considered out of place or suspicious.

As a matter of fact because we were in the same kind of business, Pauline was a Freelance graphic designer working mostly from a small room in their apartment; we would spend a lot of hours talking shop. Phillip was not too interested in what we had to discuss and would leave us alone for hours.

Pauline had a liking for very short shorts and was always dressed casually, part of the benefits of working from home I guess. She frequently came over to my apartment dressed in shorts and t-shirt. She had great legs, she knew it and wanted and sought every opportunity to show them off. I was sexually attracted to Pauline the first moment I saw her, ten months ago when she and Phillip moved into the apartment next door to me.

Phillip worked at the down town branch of Century National Bank where I had my account and so I would see him whenever I went into the bank.
So when I came out one Saturday morning and saw him standing outside the apartment next door to mine, I was kind of surprised. The apartment had been vacant for over two months, as the previous tenant had moved out; I think the couple who lived there had brought house in Havendale somewhere.

“Phillip, what you doing here?” I asked him surprised.
“I’m moving in today, we just rented this apartment” he replied.
“Oh that’s great” I said, “anything I can do to help”
“No not at the moment, but I’ll take a rain check on that” Phillip replied.
“Ok then, see you around” I said and went downstairs to my car. It was while I was driving out of the car park that I remembered that he said “we”. I wondered who the "we" was.

I came home late that afternoon, having spent most of the day at the Liguanea Club playing squash with some friends. I came out the car and went around the trunk to take out by squash gears. As I closed the trunk I saw her in front of my car.

She was dressed in a pair of very short red shorts and a black sleeveless t-shirt, and was carrying what appeared to be a Mac computer in a box towards the steps.
“Need any help with that?” I enquired.
“No thank you I’m fine, but thanks anyway.’ She said smiling and moving up the steps.

I quickly caught up with her following behind, ensuring a spectacular view of her ass as she climbed the steps in front of me. At the top she turned towards my apartment and stopped outside the apartment next door to me. She bent over to lower the box not bothering to bend her knees, knowing that I was behind her and was having a hell of a show.
As I walked up to my apartment door she looked over at me.
“Do you live here?” she inquired
“As a matter of fact I live right here” I said pointing to the door next to where she was standing.
“Oh, so where neighbors then are we?” She said smiling and at the same time inserting the key into the door.
“Well it seems that way. Are you related to Phillip?” I asked fearing the answer.
“Yes, he’s my husband. He’s back at the other apartment with the truck men packing things up. I came ahead to get things sorted out. Are you a friend of Phillip?” She said standing in the open door.
“You could say that, he works in the bank down stairs from my office, I saw him here this morning as a matter of fact.”
“Yes, he came over to drop of some cleaning stuff for me. I was inside this morning cleaning, I think I heard you both talking.”

We talked for a little while longer, exchanged names and said we would get together when they were finished moving.

As I walked into my apartment, the feeling of loneness hit me. It was at times like this I wished I were living with someone. But then it struck me that if I were living with someone I would not be able to make a play at Pauline. That’s when I remembered why I had rejected all attempts by former girlfriends to move in with me. I needed the room and freedom to go where and when I want.

Phillip and Pauline moved in and over the next couple of months we got very close. During this time Pauline and I spent a lot of time together talking about advertising and marketing. I was even able to slip her a few assignments every now and then. She was good at her work and had a natural talent for graphics and design.

Pauline made a deliberate effort to keep things very social between us, even though we would flirt with each other and make suggested remarks. It was the hardest thing for me to keep things social. I was very attracted to her and did not hide my obvious attraction when we were alone. I somehow felt she was attracted to me also and would at times give subtle hints, such as a suggestive look or passing very close to me, or she would say something sexual and then quickly say she was only joking. I guess she just wanted to find out what I would say or do.

I suspected that Pauline was not sure how I would handle the situation with Phillip if we started an affair and if she could handle it also. There was a lot at stake, but the excitement of an affair with Pauline under Phillips nose excited me.

Pauline and I continued this game of testing the waters for some time, until one Sunday evening things came to a head in my apartment.
For some reason or other Phillip trusted me, with Pauline that is, or maybe he just trusted Pauline. Whatever it was he had no qualms about leaving us together to talk shop or whatever. So when Pauline told me that Phillip had to go to Montego Bay for two days to sort out something at the Bank Branch there, I knew that this was the opportunity to make my move.

Phillip left for Montego Bay the Saturday morning, as he wanted to check with his parents in Runaway Bay on his way down. He was to start his Montego Bay assignment on Monday and be back in Kingston on Tuesday evening, he however said that he might just come back on Wednesday. It all depended on how long it would take. I wished and prayed the problem would take the whole week to sort out.
Two hours after Phillip left I called Pauline and asked her if I could have Phillips dinner since he would not be here.

“What makes you think, I’m going to cook? She replied laughing.
“I don’t know, but I have no dinner today, so I figured I could get some from you”
“Well you’re out of luck, anything else I can help you with?” She was testing the water again.
“That depends on what I have to choose from.” I fired back.
“When you figure it out give me a call, I’ll be here all evening.”
“Since you’re not going to cook, let me order something and you can come over and have dinner with me, how does that sound?”
“Sounds good to me, see you later then”
“About 7 then”
“Ok” She said and hung up.

At 7:05 pm Pauline knocked on my door. She was dressed in a black stretch to fit mini skirt that was more micro than mini, and a long sleeve baby pink shirt that she had rolled up the sleeves. As she passed me and entered the room, the scent of her freshly washed body filled my nostrils. She smelt good, looked good, she must surely taste good, I said to myself watching.

“So what’s for dinner? She enquired as she turned to face me.
“You” I said looking at her, the hunger showing on my face.
She smiled, turned and headed towards the kitchen.
I had picked up some Chinese food at the Sovereign Centre, and had it lain out on the Kitchen counter. The bottle of wine in the fridge chilling I had for some time.
“Chinese, I love Chinese food” Pauline said from the kitchen.
“Set it up for me, I’ll be there in a minute” I shouted out to her as I went into the bathroom through the bedroom.

I took a quick shower and was toweling off when I heard Pauline calling out to me.
“Do you have chop sticks?” she said
“Chop sticks!’ she shouted again.
I came out of the bathroom wet and naked with the towel in my hand and bumped into Pauline coming towards the bathroom door.
“Chop” she said, not able to complete the words. She was looking me over from head to toe as if this was the first time she was seeing me.
“Chop Sticks?” I said “no, no can’t use the dam thing.”
“Oh. Ok” Pauline said still looking at me.
I dropped the towel and pulled her into my arms, pressing her against my wet naked body. I kissed her on the lips and she pulled back, looking up at me, with a smile on her face.
“Do you know how long I have wanted to do that?” I confessed to her.
“What took you so long?” she whispered.

I looked Pauline in the eye and saw that she was feeling the same way I was. I slowly unbuttoned her shirt to revel her breast. She was not wearing a bra and the excitement she was feeling made her nipples hard and erect. Her breasts fitted and felt great in my cupped hands. As we kissed I reached behind her to pull down her skirt and remove her panty. Pauline wormed her way out of the mini skirt and as for panties, there was none.

She tasted as good as she looked and smelt. Pauline was very experienced at loving making and even showed me a few tricks. When she went down on me, lights and fireworks went off in my head. The feeling was sensational and unlike any I had ever felt before.

We made love all night.

I’m not sure how long I had slept for, but when I woke up Pauline was not in the bed beside me. I got up and walked into the living room naked.
Pauline was sitting in the love seat with some Chinese food in one hand and the TV remote in the other. She was completely naked.
“Did you leave any for me?” I asked her.
“No, but you can have some more of this” she replied smiling and turning around to me.
As she turned she looked down at me and smiled.
“You’re a big boy,” she said.
“You think so” I replied
“I know so,” she said bursting out in laughter.

We sat in the love seat, made love in the love seat, eat and drank wine in the love seat until early the next morning.

We talked about how we felt about each other and how attracted we both were to each other and importantly how we would handle Phillip.

We were both sure that we were not in love with each other, just sexually attracted to each other, which in some way made it easier to deal with. If there was love and strong emotion involved that would make things very difficult to handle. I did not want to take her away from Phillip, I needed my freedom to roam and conquer.

We were sure that we had to behave as if nothing happened. That I could do easily. But could Pauline pull it off. That was the big question. Was she able to hide this from him? I asked her directly.
“Can you do this?”
“I think so” she replied looking at the TV.
We made love every night that Phillip was away and even in the day. Because Pauline worked at home, I was able to slip out of the office for an hour or two and go over to her apartment.

When I came home Wednesday evening I saw Phillip in the car park washing his car.
“Hey your back, everything went well,” I said walking up to him.
“Yeh, but things are worse than we thought I may have to go back down later this week or sometime next week” he replied.
“That’s rough man, sorry to hear that” I lied.
Phillip began to tell me about the problem at the bank. Apparently the Bank of Jamaica was probing some financial transactions at the bank, which they felt was not done to regular banking rules. In addition the bank was having severe liquidity problems and was seeking BOJ assistance. Bottom line was the ministry of finance and the central bank wanted to shut down the bank.

“That’s some serious shit man,” I said listing to him.

We talked for a while longer until it became dark. He was finished washing the car and was drying it off, when Pauline came down with a Red Stripe in her hand.
“If I knew you were down here I would have taken one for you.” She said looking at me and handing Phillip the beer.
“I’m ok, besides I only drink wine.” I said and looked her straight in the eye.
Pauline looked at me with a knowing expression. Phillip took the beer from Pauline and pulled her close to him.
“Come here, what you been up to in my absence.” He said mocking her.
“You don’t want to know,” she said laughing and looking at me.
That was my cue to leave.
“Listen I have to go. I’ll leave you love bugs to get your thing on. I have some left over Chinese food upstairs that I’m going to heat up for dinner.

“Chinese food should not be reheated” Pauline shouted at me as I walked off. “It should be eaten straight from the pot, hot.”
“I‘ll remember that next time, Phillip see you later man.” I replied and went upstairs.

As I walked up the stairs, I looked back and saw Phillip and Pauline hugging and chatting, I was reminded of why I had taken a vow never to get married.

Grace "She still wanted us to be friends but no sex"

The truth is I have no recollection of Grace prior to our meeting in the company lunchroom.

However, she continued to remind me that she had seen me around and that I was even in her department once. I have no recollection of this, so when I went to the lunchroom one Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 instead of my usual 12 and saw her sitting alone eating that was the first time I saw her.

I’m not the kind of guy who has a lot to say to women, the truth is I am more the shy type and therefore very intimidated by women. So when I went over to her table and asked if I could join her it was with a brave heart.

“Sure, sit down” she said looking up at me with eyes so big and bright, they were captivating, and a smile that was infectious. Grace was a Jamaican browning and very good looking, with big but attractive features to match her big brown eyes. She had large and sensuous lips, and thick black eyelashes and eyebrows. At the time we met her hair was cut low in a Afro, but would change into long flowing hair reaching down into her back a few months later.

From where I sat opposite her I could tell she had a very healthy d cup breasts which defied the laws of gravity. It was also evident to me that she was big boned. It’s amazing how much you can conclude about a person within a minute or two of meeting them.

“How come you’re all alone” I bravely ventured, an obvious attempt to start a conversion.
“That’s how I am most days, I usually get in late for lunch and so most people are gone, besides I like to be by myself sometimes” she replied.

We started slowly and began to warm to each other to the point, where we were very comfortable.

“I have to get back to my office now, I have a report to get out,” she said as she got up.
“Ok, sure I have to go too” I replied.

As she got up and walked over to the counter where everybody dumped empty plates and glasses, I realized just how well built Grace was.

She was at least 5’ 11” and weighing close to 180 pounds. Despite her size she was well shaped with a tapered waist and hips to match and she had an ass that was just, well you know Jamaican women. She had ass and enough for at least two other women. She was big, but was nicely put together.

I imagined my 6ft 1in., 170lb frame mounting and making wild passionate love to her. The thought excited me. It was like the proverbial “mouse on a one dollar bread.”

Outside we exchanged extensions and agreed to meet the next day for lunch.

And that was how we began. We had lunch every day from that day on.

Grace and I had lunch at different locations and venues around the downtown area where the office was located. During all of this we never once said or made any references to a sexual or intimate relationship.

It was always social and friendly; defiantly not what I was thinking about every time we met. But I felt I should watch things and see where they were going. That was until I had this mad urge to call her and just play around on the phone.

“Hello”, I said in a deep disguised voice “Can I speak to Grace”?
“How are you”?
“I’m ok, who’s this”
“An admirer”
“Really now”
“Yeh, I have been observing and admiring you for some time and I really like the way you look. You really get my blood boiling”
“Is that a fact, and what do you do at this time”
“Not much I can do is there, maybe you can help me”
“Maybe if you ask I may be able to help”
“I want to make wild passionate love to you, can you help me?”
“Now why would you want to do that, there must be other things you can do to ease your stress”
“For example?”
“Well you can take a cold shower”
“That’s not possible right now”
“Listen I cannot help you, and I have to go. It was interesting talking to you and I am flattered that I actually have an admirer, but like I said I cannot help you, bye”. And she hung up.

Did she know it was me and was just playing along? I didn’t know. Then my phone rang.
“Hi, it’s me, Grace, guess what just happened to me?”
“Some guy just called saying he was an admirer and wanted to make love to me” she said laughing.
“Yeh. And what did you say?”
“Told him I couldn’t help him, besides if he was man enough he would meet me face to face and tell me in person”.
“What difference would that make?”
“I could look him over and see if he was worth the effort. For all I know he could be all chat and no action”
“Really, he may surprise you”
“Doubt it; anyway he’s not going to call again”
“How do you know that”?
“I don’t, but my gut feeling is that he’s only fooling around. So what are you up to”?
“Nothing much, just listening to you talking about your admirer”
“Anyway have to go.” She said “and next time tell me to my face, you may be surprised at my response” and she hung up.
That’s when I knew that she knew that I was the caller.

Grace’s closing remark stayed with me for the rest of the day and into the night.

I opened the front door and let Grace into the two-bedroom apartment in Havendale, I shared with my high school buddy Clive. Clive was out as usual and would not be back before 11 or 12 that night, which suited me, fine.
“Not a bad place you have here, for a bachelors dig” Grace said scouting out the place.

“Yeh, it’s not bad, some place to lay your head at night and get recharged to do it all over again. Want a drink or something.” I replied.
“Ok what do you have, do you have any white wine, I feel winey”
“Yeh I should have a bottle somewhere.”

We spent the evening talking about a lot of things, about her father, who she had not seen in over 15 years, her early childhood and her plans for the future. We spent quite a bit of time talking about church and her involvement in the church and all that.

Wait I didn’t tell you about that, yep she’s a Christian. It was over lunch the next day after the prank call that I found out.

That was over two months ago and since that day my thoughts about making love to her were tempered, because I knew that she would not be so easily persuaded to give it up.

We were sitting in the long sofa chair in my living room, when she asked to be directed to the bathroom. I pointed to the bathroom in my bedroom and she got up and went into my bedroom.

Some minutes later I heard Grace calling out to me from inside my bedroom.
“Is this a picture of your mother?”
“Yes” I said getting up and walking over to the bedroom.
“She’s living in Canada now; she was here four months ago.”
“You have her eyes and nose”
“Yep that’s me, mummy’s boy”
I stood by the door and watched her as she walked around my bedroom looking over photos and other things in the room.
“What you looking for?” I asked her
“Oh nothing, just looking at where you lay your body down. You can tell a lot about a person by how his bedroom is set up. What’s in here?” She picked up a small box on my dressing table, sat on the edge of the bed and looked over at me with a curious look on her face.

“If I tell you I may have to kill you.”

She laughed out loud and her face and eyes lit up, causing all kinds of sinful thoughts to surge through my mind down into my body.
“I may have to take my chance” she replied still laughing.

Grace pushed back further on the bed and was now resting on her elbows looking over at me, still standing by the door.
“So are you going to tell me? I want a quick painless death,” she said teasing me.

I was still standing by the door not sure if I should go over to the bed or turn and run.

I moved slowly towards the bed.

“It's just some personal stuff I have kept through the years, my grandmothers wedding ring that she gave me before she died; My graduation ring that too tight for me now, two watches that I don’t wear anymore and a gold chain from a former girlfriend”.
I was now standing over her, between her spread legs.
She looked up at me and smiled.

This Christian girl was playing a very serious game.

Grace was wearing a short dark blue skirt that was now above her knees, due to her position on the bed. Her pink blouse was opened at the top, but not enough to get a full view of her breasts. Because she was lying back on the bed, the full impression of her breasts was very clear through the blouse. I could also see the impressions of her erect nipples through her blouse. She was aroused and the hardness of her nipples was evidence enough of this.

She saw how I was looking down at her and rolled over, effectively displacing me from between her legs. I fell on the bed bedside her. We were now both on our backs looking up at the ceiling.

“What you thinking about?” she asked
“Nothing” I lied.

We went quiet again.

I turned over and faced her. Grace’s eyes were closed as if she was sleeping. I looked down at her and allowed my eyes to roam about her body.

I bent over and kissed her on the lips, she did not respond. She just laid there with her eyes closed and a faint smile on her lips.

I kissed her again, this time with more passion and urgency. She responded and began to kiss me. Before long I was kissing and caressing her body. Her eyes were still closed but I could tell she was enjoying this, as much as I was.

My hands moved about the area below her hips, caressing her legs and moving upwards and them quickly moving back down to her legs. Her body felt good below me and the subtle movements and sounds she made only sought to inflame the passion even further.

I was now caressing the upper areas of her thighs and was passing over her vagina. As my fingers moved over her soft mound she moaned with delight.

Grace was wearing very skimpy underwear, which was easily moved to one side. The soft, warm and moist feel of the inside of her vagina was good to the touch. She was moaning, all this time with her eyes closed.

I began unzipping, aching to let myself free and let it all hang out.
I kissed her in my hungry passion, caressing her body, feeling her every response.

With practiced precision I moved and positioned myself to enter her soft warm inside. As I shifted she shifted with me.

Grace opened her eyes wide in horror and shock. I was in.

She looked up at me with her eyes wide open in horror or surprise, which it was I was not sure, but I was too far gone, the heat was too intense, I could not bring myself to stop, not now anyway. Grace closed her eyes again and began to kiss me with an intensity that surprised me. She was hungry, having starved herself of any sexual pleasures. We were thrusting and kissing, throwing caution to the wind. For a brief moment the thought of contraception crossed my mind, chances are she was not on the pill and I was not wearing a condom. What the hell I thought, you only live once.

When I finally came it was as if the Mona dam had burst and all the water was flooding out. It was and felt good. I could tell that Grace had an orgasm around the same time as me. And the combined juices in her vagina was flooding her inside and flowing out onto the bed.

Grace started to cry. “No, No, No I can’t do this.” She was saying while holding and kissing me. Do this, what the hell was Grace talking about. It was done. I pulled out slowly and looked down at her. Grace was crying and I didn’t know what to do.

“Are you ok” was the only thing I could think of.
“Yes” she replied softly.

We were back on our backs, me with my now limp dick lying to one side, pants drawn down to my knees and Grace on her back, eyes closed.

“That’s my first time,” she said quietly.
“What was?” I asked.
“You what, I mean what did you say”
“I’m a virgin, well I was until a few minutes ago”
“You serious?” a said with a smile streaking across my face.

There was silence.

I think this was the first woman I had ever deflowered. I always thought it would be different, not sure how, just different.

We did not speak much for the rest of the evening. Grace took a quick shower and said she had to leave. I did not try to stop her. I was not sure what to say to her at this point. This was something she had to figure out. I was prepared to go along with anything she said.

I followed her to her car parked out front. Grace started the engine and sat looking straight ahead. Finally she turned and looked at me and said.
‘I really enjoyed that, but I’m not sure I want to do it again. Did you use a condom?”
“No” I replied
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, bye” and she drove off, leaving me standing by the gate, wondering what the hell to do now.

Grace did not call the next day at work and I decided not to call her. I was waiting for her to make the next move.

On the third day Grace called and invited me to lunch over at the Jamaica Conference Centre.

‘So what’s the story” I said finally.

Grace did not say anything for a while. Then she said.
“I went to my doctor yesterday, he’s know me from I was a little girl. Anyway I told him what happened and he said I should be fine. He does not think I will get pregnant.”
“How does he know that”?
“Some years ago I went to him about my period cramps, as they were really getting serious and he told me to go on the pill to help ease the pain. So I have been on the pill for a number of years”
“And you were on the pill that night?” I enquired.
“Yes, the doctor was actually happy for me. He said it was about time I did it, sex that is and get it out of the way”
“My kind of doctor” I joked. The relief I felt inside was great, a major burden had been lifted from my shoulder, a baby was not in my plans right now and getting Grace pregnant was just not on right now

The conversation from there on was much lighter and we started to get back into our old grove. But I could still sense that there was something else to be dealt with and I was not going to be the one to bring it up.

Grace and I made love frequently over the next couple of days, laying to rest one of the concerns I had about our relationship. This also in some way answered my other concern. Grace and I never discussed Christianity again, but I knew it was something that she was wrestling with. The heart was willing but the flesh was oh so weak.

Grace really surprised me. She had a sexual appetite that was insatiable and seemed incapable of being satisfied. Her demands on me sexually were at times pressuring. I even had to do the unthinkable and turn her down gently sometimes.

Our sexual relationship went on for over a year and we were both very happing with how things were going.

About one year and six month into our relationship Grace called and said she had to terminate our relationship. She still wanted us to be friends but no sex.

When I asked her why she said that she was back into the church and did not want to complicate matters. She had given it a lot of thought and felt this was the right thing to do. I could not argue. Who was I to compete with the big man upstairs?

Grace was asking for my help, as she did not think she could do it alone, she was praying about it, but knew the realities of life. I said I would do what I could to help.

The following day Grace came around to my apartment and after twenty minutes we were in bed making wild passionate love. This went on for some weeks and then Grace just vanished.

A letter from Grace arrived at the apartment a few days later. The constant battle with the spirit and flesh was getting to her and she felt the only way to effectively deal with it was to get away for a while. She was not sure if this was the best way to deal with it but she had to get away from me for a while. She was with her sister in Barbados and was not sure when she would be back.

Two years after she left Grace sent me another letter with two photographs. One was a picture of her, her sister and another man; the other was a picture of Grace and the other man.

She was married to the man and was pregnant with their first child.

I have not seen Grace since. We have written to each other and talked on the phone, but she never came back to Jamaica.